Rwaad for early-stage entrepreneurs

Tough journey!
Entrepreneurship is a tough journey! In Rwaad you will find partners who are share you same values and can help you to go through it

You are in control!
In Rwaad your voice can be heard and your opinion matters. You participate with other members to elect the community manager.

Higher success opportunity
Why do you hit many wrong paths before you find the correct one? Why do you waste all this time? Let the people who went through this struggle to help you.
Rwaad for experienced entrepreneurs

Tech Startups are too risky. You may be successful today but your business get strong hit tomorrow. Hedging your capital by having small equities in other startups seems a very smart idea.

Self-fulfillment & Purpose
It is time to pay back to the community and help in building good living-place for this generation and the next one by helping new stars to raise. This is how we create sustainable and growing community.
Our Startups
Rwaad program for
early-stage Entrepreneurs
Training & Networking
Side-project with other potential entrepreneurs and 3-6 months training based on level of expertise and time commitment.

Can work part-time, no less than 20 hours per week
Business Idea & Market research

Can work part-time, no less than 20 hours per week
Build Prototype and validate

Can work part-time, no less than 20 hours per week (CEO preferably to be available full-time)
Company register
Hard work starts - Pre-seed fund and launch

At least one Co-founder (CEO) must be available full-time at this stage.

During this phase you might launch multiple times or even pivot based on customer interactions with your service/product

Slogan of this period is the speed, find a market-fit product in one year before running out of cash. Pre-seed fund should cover co-founders salaries and expenses in this one year run.

Frequent Asked Questions
Are you targeting startups in specific region?
We are targeting mainly startups that kick start their operations in emerging markets such as Middle-East and Africa, however, we are open to collaborate with start-ups from any place in the world
For Investors: If there is a crowdfunding platforms, why i don't invest through one of these platforms, instead of investing with you?
Yes, you can invest in startups through crowdfund platforms, but the idea, that it will be more risky on you because these platforms list almost companies from all fields which mean that they are not specialized and they care mainly about having all these transactions goes through them, so there is a big probability that you make bad investment decision. Besides, you will need to invest a lot time to evaluate companies that you think it might be promising (No one will do that on behalf of you). On the other hand, Rwaad is a community that has experts from every field to make qualitative and quantitative analysis for different opportunities
What are the pre-requisites to qualify for angel investing with you
We are running according regulations of crowd funding. You must get familiarity first about what your are investing in, then passing a short exam. If you passed you will be allowed to invest with us. The minimum amount that you can invest is 3000 $ in one startup